Shih Tzu dogs are classified in most countries in the group of "toy" dogs. Its height varies between 20 and 30 cm and its weight is between 5 and 10 kg.
How a Shih Tzu dog develops

As with most small dog breeds, Shih Tzus grow and develop rapidly, reaching adulthood in about a year or less. It usually reaches a greater length than height and has a robust body and a good-sized head. The muzzle is short, with an undershot bite. The head is rounded and the eyes are quite protruding. His tail is gracefully curled over his back. His steps are long and fast for a small dog. The Shih Tzu is covered in thick, straight, long hair. These fur coats require a lot of maintenance, especially if left long. All colors are accepted for the coat, although a dark pigment is preferred around the eyes and on the nose. They are usually quite robust puppies that can live up to 14 or 15 years. Many dog buyers, around 63%, request to see documents related to the puppy's pedigree, as in other breeds they want to be sure of having a purebred puppy and avoid surprises later.
The character of the Shih Tzu dog
Shih Tzus are known for their cheerful and happy nature, they are playful and friendly and they tend to get along with people of all ages and with other dogs, as well as pets of other species. You will rarely find an unfriendly Shih Tzu dog, as most are very sweet. With their short snouts, Shih Tzus are not good chewers, although they do enjoy digging holes and some will indulge in annoying barking at times. They like to be with people a lot, either sitting on their laps or walking.
Shih Tzu dogs can quickly become obese if they receive too many gratuities or food extras, so it is important to take short walks to keep them in shape. Shih Tzu dogs participate in agility and behavior competitions with some success. Be careful when exercising in hot, humid weather conditions, as with its short muzzle it is a breed prone to heat stroke. The hair is a headache in the case of the Shih Tzu. Most owners go for a year-round short body cut, which looks great on them and is very easy to care for. If you want to keep your hair down long, be prepared to spend a lot of time on it.
These dogs need weekly baths with an oiling to help keep tangles at bay and daily grooming so foreign objects don't get stuck in the coat. When the hair has a correct texture, it does not tangle so much.
Coexistence with a Shihtzu dog
The Shih tzu dog tends to demand personal attention on a daily basis. They like to share their time with people and it is easy to end up spoiling them. They enjoy training and learning tricks that make them the center of attention. They like to interact with small children, although they like people of all ages. Don't count on your Shih tzu to watch the house; it will probably welcome thieves with open legs.
Shih Tzu History

The shih tzu was bred in Tibet, probably around the 7th century, where they were perhaps simply the smallest Lhasa apso in the area. Given as a gift to the Chinese emperors, the breed developed into the dog we know today. Fanciers speculate about crossbreeding with Pekingese to shorten their faces and to select for the smaller Lhasa-type dogs. The name Shih Tzu means 'lion dog' in Chinese, further muddying its ancestry, as "lion dog" often refers to the Pekingese. Chinese royalty kept and bred this breed, and with the arrival of the British they introduced it to England and then to the United States. Unfortunately, the communist coup in China wiped out most of the original animals. No one doubts that these charming puppies were used as companion dogs. To find out the price of a Shih Tzu dog in your area, I recommend you enter
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Original source : Hill´s